GPPN Membership
The GPPN desires to become a truly global network. To that end, the network aims to broaden the geographical representation of its members through a slow and gradual expansion of its membership base.
New members will be invited to join the GPPN first as associate members, with the possibility of eventual accession to full membership.
This page explains the benefits and responsibilities of Associate and Full Membership of the GPPN, as well as membership criteria and processes.
Associate Members
Associate Member Benefits
Associate members enjoy the following benefits:
Eligible to participate in the annual GPPN Conferences. Each Associate Member may send a maximum of one student team of up to 5 students.
Eligible to participate in other specified GPPN related activities, e.g. thought leadership events, student and alumni network,etc.
Eligible to have the University/School name and logo published on websites, publicity materials, etc. as an Associate Member of the GPPN.
Full Members
Full Member Benefits
Full members enjoy the following benefits:
Eligible to participate in all GPPN related activities and meetings.
Full involvement in decision-making process and governance of the network.
Eligible to participate in the SDG Certificate Programme - paused in 2021 - 2022 (must appoint a focal point and Scientific Coordinator).
Eligible to have the University/School name and logo published on websites, publicity materials, etc. as a Member of the GPPN.
Becoming a GPPN Member
Membership in the GPPN is by invitation. Please click here for information on the criteria for membership, and for details on the process of becoming a GPPN member.
GPPN Members
New York
Sao Paulo
New York